Welcome to our new website. Digital AgriFood Solutions (DASG) is a registered business name in the United Republic of Tanzania, whose major focus is to provide digital solutions for all aspects pertaining to agriculture and food systems in Tanzania. While our portfolios are being aggressively built, we own a fully functional mobile application known as eKuku as a start. This mobile app is meant to help poultry farmers who end up being exploited by middle men at the time of sale of their chicken and other products. It happens that poultry farmers on one hand have no idea of where the buyers are, quantities of chicken or eggs which might be require or even prices. On the other hand, consumers may not know certainly who are selling chicken or eggs, the going prices and where are sellers located. This information asymmetry gives a lucrative opportunity for hoarders and middle men to exploit both poultry farmers and consumers at almost zero risk. Cognizant of this challenge, we at DASG aim to turn the tables through a game changing digital tool – eKuku App.
In the near future, DASG will expand its R&D to develop digital solutions and tools in such areas as plant health and nutrition diagnostics, renewable energy, bioproteins, weather forecasting, food caloric intake and stored products management.